Sparkling River

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Scorchstar 5 157 by .:{Crag}:.
Jul 8, 2009 10:12:51 GMT -5


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Sparkling River
Ahh, the majestic water source of TimberClan, it should be no surprise that this area is also a great hunting spot. As all the Clans just love to say all of TimberClan's good hunting land makes them soft. It's no wonder every single Clan has attempted an invasion at least once, but never have they succeeded. TimberClan may be the best fed Clan, but they aren't a Clan of pushovers. Of all their land the Sparkling River is the most sought after land, since the beginning of time though only TimberClan has held it. The Sparkling River runs a short distance away from the camp, but it winds its way through most of the territory. It obviously gets its name from the wonderful sparkle it gives off in the sunlight. Some Timberclan cats have been known to fish, Foxstar being the most famous one. It is a skill that only a few apprentices are allowed to learn and it is often taught to the most worthy by the Clan leader. Warriors are expected to learn to fish if they ever want to be leaders, more of a tradition than anything.
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